Publishing a VSCode extension

Most of the required information for publishing VSCode extensions can be found directly on the Microsoft website. Presented in these notes is an abridged version.


The following are required to publish a VSCode extension

The publisher can be any identity, and will be used to publish your extension. The PAT ideally needs to be created second, so that it can be created for the specific publisher, and requires Manage permissions for the marketplace.

Packaging and publishing

Assuming you have created your extension using yo, then a slight modification of package.json is required, to populate the missing publisher field. This field should be a string containing the identify of the publisher you wish to keep your extension under.

The tool used to package and publish is vsce

npm i vsce

We then login to the marketplace with

vsce login {identity-of-publisher}

which will prompt you for your PAT. Provided this was successful, you can package your extension with

vsce package

or publish it with

vsce publish