Clam Anti-Virus

ClamAV is an open source anti virus program licensed under GPLv2. It installs on nearly all systems, and provides a direct and daemon scanning mode.


Installing ClamAV with the clamd daemon with apt:

sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon

This will do a number of things, including creating a new user clamav, and generate example configs in /etc/clamav.

If freshclam did not automatically start, either run freshclam as a daemon (-d), or directly to update the signatures database.


Configuration files are found in /etc/clamav. If you have a file *.conf.example but no *.conf, rename the examples to remove the .example suffix and remove the comment


from the file, else clamd will consider the configuration invalid.

There are a few options which are worth drawing attention to

# Permissions on the unix socket
LocalSocketMode 660

# Maximum filesize to scan
MaxFilesize 20

# Maximum scan size of a given file
MaxScanSize 20

Use clamconf to print the current configuration.

For more, see the docs.



clamscan is the one-time scanning command line tool from libclamav. As you can see in the docs, it accepts a variety of options, with more options listed in the manual.


Tasks are queued with clamdscan to the Clam daemon. At any given moment, the tasks queued can be viewed with clantop. Depending on your permission and socket/streaming configurations, you may need to use the --fdpass (file descriptor pass) option when using clamdscan.

In general, clamdscan accepts a far smaller set of options than clamscan, and will ignore options it cannot handle. This is because the configuration of the scanner takes place at the daemon level.

When using clamdscan, a useful option to pass is -m, --multiscan which will leverage threading in scanning a directory.


In the following, clamscan and clamdscan can be used interchangeably, provided they have been configured correctly.

  • scan the current directory recursively only listing infected files

clamscan -i .
  • scan and remove infected files

clamscan --remove .