Making a project available on pypi

Making a project available on pypi

The Python Package Index (pypi) is one of the most straight forward to use package managers; distributing your project on pypi makes it easy for anyone to use.

We need setuptools and wheel to create the distribution, and twine to upload to the package index. First ensure you have them installed, and are using the latest versions

# source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
pip install --upgrade twine

wheel and egg are both packaging formats; wheel is the ‘new’ format and considered the standard. You can read more about the two formats here.

Configuring the project

We need to correctly describe and package our project in order to comply with the pypi format. To do this, we create a in the root of the project directory. In this file, we configure

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

	name='Project Name',
	description='Brief description of your project',
	long_description='Normally read in from a text or md file, such as',
		'dependency==version' # usually get this from requirements.txt
		"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
		"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
		"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)",

Instead of using find_packages(), you can also manually add a list, e.g.


if you require complex exclusion rules. find_packages doesn’t have the most reliable documentation, and I would recommend researching files if you need to ship more than regular .py files, as find_packages, and related keywords, are notoriously dirty-lies.

We can then create the project dist/ for uploading to pypi. To do this, we run

python sdist bdist_wheel

Our project is now ready to upload. Note if you change any files, you’ll have to run the above command again to repackage them. This command creates a source distribution.

Uploading to pypi

Uploading is a simple one-liner

python -m twine upload -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD dist/*

where you use the username and password of your pypi account (create one here).

This will upload to the default repository, which is

You can specify other repositories using the --repository-url flag.