High performance Python techniques and paradigms
High performance Python techniques and paradigms¶
Python is a language that I find is easy to learn, but difficult to master. These notes are part of my ongoing task of becoming as proficient at this language as I can.
Table of Contents¶
Advanced collections¶
Beyond lists, tuples and dicts, python also has several other built-in collections with their own uses and applications.
Useful for combining multiple dictionary mappings. When searching for a variable in the current scope, python first searches locals()
, then globals()
, and finally builtins
. Commonly, the search pattern could be implemented
import builtins
mappings = globals(), locals(), vars(builtins)
for mapping in mappings:
for key in mapping:
if key in mapping:
value = mapping[key]
else: # only triggers if for loop not exited through break
raise NameError(f'name {key} is not defined')
However, since Python3.3, a more elegant solution is to use collections.ChainMap
import builtins
import collections
mappings = collections.ChainMap(globals(), locals(), vars(builtins))
value = mappings[key]
The Counter
is an excellent way of keeping track of the occurrences of an element
import collections
counter = collections.Counter('abbcd')
for k in 'abbcd':
print(f'Count for {k}: {counter[k]}')
It uses heapq
implementations for obtaining the most common elements, and as such scales beautifully even with large number of elements
import math
import collections
counter = collections.Counter()
for i in range(100000):
counter[math.sqrt(i) // 25] += 1
for key, count in counter.most_common(5):
print(f'{key} : {count}')
It also is able to use more complex operations, such as addition, subtraction, intersection, and unions, similar to set
import collections
def print_counter(expression, counter):
sorted_characters = sorted(counter.elements())
print(expression, ''.join(sorted_characters))
eggs = collections.Counter('eggs')
spam = collections.Counter('spam')
print_counter('eggs:', eggs)
# eggs: eggs
print_counter('eggs & spam:', eggs & spam)
# eggs & spam: s
print_counter('eggs - smap:', eggs - spam)
# eggs - smap: egg
print_counter('eggs + spam:', eggs + spam)
# eggs + spam: aeggmpss
print_counter('eggs | spam:', eggs | spam)
# eggs | spam: aeggmps
Double Ended Queue, or deque
, is a very low-level collection, equivalent to a double linked list; every item in the list points to the next and the previous, with the list reference pointing to both the first and last elements. Thus, adding and subtracting elements from either side of the deque
is an O(1) operation
import collections
queue = collections.deque()
print(queue) # deque([1, 2])
queue.pop() # 2
queue.popleft() # 1
queue.popleft() # IndexError: pop from an empty deque
The deque
also implements maxlen
as a kwarg. Consider the example
import collections
looper = collections.deque(maxlen=2)
for i in range(5):
# deque([0], maxlen=2)
# deque([0, 1], maxlen=2)
# deque([1, 2], maxlen=2)
# deque([2, 3], maxlen=2)
# deque([3, 4], maxlen=2)
The threading queue.Queue
wraps a deque
but implements locks and checks to make it threadsafe. Similar, asyncio.Queue
is specialized for asynchronous use, and multiprocessing.Queue
for multiprocess operations (which I will write notes for later).
To put it simply, a defaultdict
is a dictionary with a default value. The benefit of such an item prevents having to check if a key exists before accessing it, and has great application in implementing in-memory databases. As an illustration, consider a graph structure
nodes = [
('a', 'b'),
('a', 'c'),
('b', 'a'),
('b', 'd'),
('c', 'a'),
('d', 'a'),
('d', 'b'),
('d', 'c')
graph = dict()
for from_, to in nodes:
if from_ not in graph:
graph[from_] = []
import pprint
# {'a': ['b', 'c'], 'b': ['a', 'd'], 'c': ['a'], 'd': ['a', 'b', 'c']}
This could be implemented more elegantly
import collections
graph = collections.defaultdict(list)
for from_, to in nodes:
# defaultdict(<class 'list'>,
# {'a': ['b', 'c'],
# 'b': ['a', 'd'],
# 'c': ['a'],
# 'd': ['a', 'b', 'c']})
It’s trivial to see how a Counter
could be implemented with defaultdict
, but the version included in collections
is far more extensive. Note that the default value must be a callable object (e.g. int
). This means trees could be very easily defined as
import collections
def tree():
return collections.defaultdict(tree)
and used
import json
colours = tree()
colours['other']['black'] = 0x000000
colours['other']['white'] = 0xFFFFFF
colours['primary']['red'] = 0xFF0000
colours['primary']['red'] = 0x00FF00
colours['primary']['blue'] = 0x0000FF
print(json.dumps(colours, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
# {
# "other": {
# "black": 0,
# "white": 16777215
# },
# "primary": {
# "blue": 255,
# "red": 65280
# }
# }
Such a data structure is able to generate itself recursively.
This collection is essentially a tuple with field names; it lends itself to describing coordinates well
import collections
Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y', 'z'])
point_a = Point(1, 2, 3)
# Point(x=1, y=2, z=3)
point_b = Point(x=4, z=5, y=6)
# Point(x=4, y=6, z=5)
Properties can be accessed by index or by name
print(point_a.x == point_a[0])
# True
Essentially a Python implementation of Clang familiar enum
, allowing constants without magic numbers. For example
import enum
class Colour(enum.Enum):
red = 1
green = 3
blue = 2
print(Colour.red == Colour['red']) # True
print(Colour.red == Colour(1)) # True
print(Colour.red == 1) # False
print(Colour.red.value == 1) # True
As you might expect, enums
are iterable
for colour in Colour:
# Colour.red
# Colour.green
# Colour.blue
and have value as well as text representation
cols = dict()
cols[Colour.green] = 0x00FF00
Derived classes also support type inheritance, such as
import enum
class Simple(enum.Enum):
PROP = 'prop'
print(Simple.PROP == 'prop') # False
class Derived(str, enum.Enum):
PROP = 'prop'
print(Derived.PROP == 'prop') # True
To put simply, a dictionary where the insertion order is important. By contrast, dict
will return keys in the order of hash, whereas OrderedDict
returns the keys in order of insertion
import collections
spam = collections.OrderedDict()
spam['a'] = 1
spam['c'] = 3
spam['b'] = 2
# OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('c', 3), ('b', 2)])
# OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])
It is implemented by a dict
in combination with a doubly linked list for keeping track of the order. Another dict
is used to keep track of reverse relation. Within this, set
and get
are O(1) but the object requires more memory than conventional dictionaries, and as such don’t scale very efficiently.
Essentially an ordered list, and very useful for creating priority queues, able to make the smallest (or largest) item in the list easily obtainable
import heapq
heap = [1, 3, 4, 7, 2, 4, 3]
# [1, 2, 3, 7, 3, 4, 4]
A heap is a binary tree for which the parent nodes has a value less than or equal to any of its children. We can visualize it by iterating through our object
while heap:
heapq.heappop(heap), heap
# 1 [2, 3, 3, 7, 4, 4]
# 2 [3, 3, 4, 7, 4]
# 3 [3, 4, 4, 7]
# 3 [4, 4, 7]
# 4 [4, 7]
# 4 [7]
# 7 []
A sorted list; where heapq
makes obtaining the smallest (or largest) item easy, bisect
inserts items so that the overall list stays sorted. As such, finding in bisect
is fast, whereas adding and removing in heapq
is fast. Adding new elements to a bisect
is an O(n) operation, and creating a sorted list using bisect takes O(n^2), compared to e.g. heapq
with O(n log(n)). The primary use of bisect
is then to extend an already ordered structure, as opposed to creating a new one
import bisect
# regular sort
sorted_list = []
sorted_list.append(2) # each operation so far is O(1)
sorted_list.sort() # O(n * log(n)) = O(8)
# [1, 2, 3, 5]
# bisect
sorted_list = []
bisect.insort(sorted_list, 5) # O(n) = O(1)
bisect.insort(sorted_list, 3) # O(2)
bisect.insort(sorted_list, 1) # ...
bisect.insort(sorted_list, 2) # O(4)
# [1, 2, 3, 5]
Searching in such a data structure is likewise very fast; e.g. bisect_left
finds the position at which a number is supposed to be
import bisect
sorted_list = [1, 2, 3, 5]
def contains(sorted_list, value):
i = bisect.bisect_left(sorted_list, value)
return i < len(sorted_list) and sorted_list[i] == value
contains(sorted_list, 2) # True
contains(sorted_list, 4) # False
The implementation details for such a search is a binary search algorithm.
Some notes on comprehensions¶
Pythonic list and dictionary comprehension are powerful ways of generating complex data structures and algorithms, but at the cost of readability. They are analogous to simple for loops
some_list = []
for i in range(10):
comp_list = [i for i in range(10)]
print(some_list == comp_list) # True
They can however very quickly become counter intuitive. For example, filtering can be applied
[i for i in range(100) if i % 2 == 1] # odd numbers
functions may be executed within them, although complications arise if used with PRNGs
import random
[random.random() for _ in range(10) if random.random() >= 0.5] # may yield values less than 0.5
[x for x in [random.random() for _ in range(10)] if x >= 0.5] # may not produce 10 items
[x for _ in range(10) for x in [random.random()] if x >= 0.5] # obtains desired result
The last line in the above extract is analogous to nested for loops. For example
items = []
for i in range(5):
for j in range(3, 5):
results.append((i, j))
may be written with list comprehension as
[(i, j) for i in range(5) for j in range(3, 5)]
The same syntax exists for dictionary comprehension too
{i : i**2 for i in range(10) if i % 2 == 1} # odd squares indexed by their root
The two may be used in one another also
import random
[{i : x for x in range(i)} for i in range(10)]
# [{}, {1: 0}, {2: 1}, {3: 2}, {4: 3}, {5: 4}, {6: 5}, {7: 6}, {8: 7}, {9: 8}]
God knows why you would want that, but you have it.
Finally, you also have set comprehension
{i * j for i in range(5) for j in range(6)}
# {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20}
Some peculiarities of lambda functions¶
Lambda functions can be nested, such as to provide quick methods for providing callback functions or even decorators. For example
square_result = lambda func: lambda val: func(val)**2
def func(x): return 4 * x
func(3) # 12
def func(x): return 4 * x
func(3) # 144
Lambda functions can also be called recursively
factorial = lambda x: 1 if x == 1 else x * factorial(x-1)
factorial(4) # 24
Finally, if you wanted to be a real snide prick, you can implement quicksort in a few lines using the famous Y from lambda-calculus
Y = lambda f: lambda *args: f(Y(f))(*args)
quicksort = Y(lambda f: lambda x: (
f([i for i in x if i < x[0]]) +
[y for y in x if x[0] == y] +
f([i for i in x if i > x[0]])
) if x else []
quicksort([1, 7, 5, 6, 2, 3, 9, 7, 8, 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 6, 2])
# [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9]