Conan package manager

Conan package manager

Conan is a package manager and repository for C and C++, well integrated into CMake.

Table of Contents

  1. Example use

Example use

(this section adapted from a conan tutorial)

For a given dependency, we can search different remote repositories for the correct package and package version. E.g., for poco we search

conan search poco --remote=conan-center

The --remote flag can be shortened to -r, and to search all repositories, we use -r=all.

Individual search results can be analyses a little further in terms of their metadata using

conan inspect [item]

Once we’ve found a package we are happy with, we create a conanfile.txt in the root directory of the project. We format the file as



in this example, we explicitly use cmake.

Next we want to install the dependencies. Note: conan will use old gcc compilers for backwards compatability < 5.1. We can change this using

conan profile new default --detect  # Generates default profile detecting GCC and sets old ABI
conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default  # Sets libcxx to C++11 ABI

To install

mkdir build && cd build
conan install ..

Conan install the requirements and the transitive dependencies for it seamlessly.

We can now define a CMakeLists.txt, and include the lines

# add executable
target_link_libraries(md5 ${CONAN_LIBS})

and finally build

cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
cmake --build .