Python recipes

Design patterns and solutions I commonly lookup, but are not specific enough to be group into their own notes page.


Crawling directories with os.walk()

To recursively crawl each directory in a given path

for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(root_path):

Note: to get the absolute path, use

os.path.join(dirpath, filename)

in the for loop.

To get just files in the current directory, a pattern is

_, _, filenames = next(os.walk("."))

# or error-safe
_, _, filenames = next(os.walk("."), (None, None, []))

# or if confident there will be at least one file
_, _, filenames = os.walk(".").next()

Masking with glob

To use wildcard (or glob) expansion, we can use

import glob
filenames = glob.glob("/path/to/dir/*.txt")

to mask for all .txt files. glob returns a list of relative paths.

Note: there also exists glob.iglob to return an iterator. Similarly, both commands have a recursive keyword argument (default False) for crawling directories.