1.1. Linear transformations

1.1.1. Kernel and image

For some \(T \in \mathcal{L}(V, W)\) we associate two subspaces – the kernel and the image.

Definition: Kernel

Let \(T : V \rightarrow W\) be a linear transformation. The kernel of \(T\) is defined

\[\text{ker} \, T = \{ v \in V \ |\ T(v) = 0 \}\]

Definition: Image

Let \(T : V \rightarrow W\) be a linear transformation. The image of \(T\) is defined

\[\text{im} \, T = \{ T(v) \ |\ v \in V \}\]

1.1.2. Rank and nullity

Definition: Rank

The rank of a linear transformation \(T\) is the dimension of its image

\[\text{rank} \, T = \text{dim} \, \text{im} \, T.\]

Definition: Nullity

The nullity of a linear transformation \(T\) is the dimension of its kernel

\[\text{nullity} \, T = \text{dim} \, \text{ker} \, T.\]

Theorem: Rank-nullity

Let \(T: \mathcal{L}(V, W)\), then

\[\text{rank} \, T + \text{nullity} \, T = \text{dim} \, V.\]