SpectralFitting.jl Documentation

Fast and flexible spectral fitting in Julia.

SpectralFitting.jl is a package for defining and fitting spectral models, with a number of utilities to make model composition easy and invocation fast. SpectralFitting can be extended with LibXSPEC_jll.jl via XSPECModels.jl to expose the library of models from HEASoft XSPEC, and provides helper functions for operating with spectral data from a number of different missions. The package natively uses LsqFit.jl to fit parameters using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, but makes it easy to use Optim.jl for more specialized fitting algorithms, or Turing.jl for Bayesian inference and MCMC.

SpectralFitting is designed to be extended, such that new models are simple to create, and new dataset processing pipelines for different missions are brief to define. Where performance is key, SpectralFitting helps you define fast and AD-compatible surrogates of spectral models using Surrogates.jl, and embed them in the model composition algebra.

To get started, add the AstroRegistry from the University of Bristol and then install:

pkg> registry add https://github.com/astro-group-bristol/AstroRegistry
pkg> add SpectralFitting

Then use

using SpectralFitting
# ....

See Walkthrough for an example walkthrough the package.

For more University of Bristol Astrophysics Group codes, see our GitHub organisation.